I remember watching this video for the first time in high school, and the fear message was incredibly effective. I remember how uncomfortable it was for me and everyone around me after we saw Jacqui’s post accident picture. Her scarred face seems like something out of a Hollywood monster story, rather than the once beautiful face of a Venezuelan girl. I think the image really struck a chord in me and the rest of the people beside me that day, in that none of us wanted this to happen to us, or cause it to someone else.
This video would make me change my behavior if I were ever in the position where I might drive while under the influence of alcohol. I have never been a drinker at any point in my life, as I just do not find the taste of alcoholic beverages appealing. When I did participate in social drinking, it was always with responsible friends around who knew not to let me go home alone or by driving myself.
Unfortunately, I do not believe the video has made a difference in drinking and driving. Jacqui appeared in a 2002 television commercial for the Texas Department of Transportation, and the statistics show that there was a decrease of roughly 2750 arrests for DUI from 2002 to 2003. However, immediately one year later there was a huge increase of almost 10,000 arrests to 96,921 total. The following years have shown DUI arrests to waver around the 90,000 mark. The other statistics like fatal accidents and number of people