1. The syllable as an integral part of the word. Definition of the syllable
2. Main features of syllable formation in English
3. Theories of syllable formation and division
The syllable is a primary basic unit of speech. Being joined with each other, speech sounds serve as structural material, as “bricks” for syllables. A syllable is a sequence of speech sounds joined together to form a solid undividable stable primary speech unit of segmental level.
The central part of a syllable is a pitch or syllabic sound. Pitch sounds are syllable-forming sounds.
The vowel is the main syllable-forming element, but in some languages under some conditions sonorants may also become syllable-forming elements.
Nowadays the syllable is still in a process of investigation and scientists are trying to find out one definition of the syllable, which every one of them will accept.
There are many theories of syllable formation and division. The most known of them are: expiratory theory, sonority theory, theory of muscular tension and energetic theory.
So, the aim of my report is to analyse different syllabic theories and to find out whether they explain all peculiarities of syllable formation and division or no.
Also the tasks of the report are: 1) to analyse the syllable from different points of view; 2) to study main features of syllable formation in English; 3) to consider the theories of syllable formation and division.
1. The syllable as an integral part of the word. Definition of the syllable
The syllable is a universal primary minimal undivided basic phonetic unit of speech. This definition of the syllable is universal for all the syllabic languages. Units of primary perception on sensory level are not speech sounds but syllables. The syllable in perception is a minimal undivided unit over time. The syllable is an integrated and an integrating speech unit. On the one hand it consists of speech sounds; on
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