Going to feed my Starving Children was a great experience for me. From the name of it I thought that we would be putting nonperishable items into a box for families. When I got to the building and seeing what was there I was very surprised to see what it was actually. When I was there with my classmates I think we had a good time putting the dry ingredients into a plastic bag that was sealed up and put into a box to be shipped somewhere. Not knowing where it was going was a question I had in my head as I stood there packing it up. I have always heard my parents tell me that I am wasting food and that there are children out there without food. I never really took it to heart until the moment of
me going to Feed My Starving Children. I am a mother of three and hope to one day brings my kids to feed my starving children. Bringing children to a program like this I think it would make them understand about what happens in other countries. I also think that if children volunteer their help it will bring them more respect for other’s do to help other’s they don’t even know that lives across the world. After we were all finished with the time slot that we got the man told us how many boxes we packed and how many meals we provided. There were a total of 76 people packing meals and we did 70 boxes. In those boxes there were 36 meals per box and which that provided 15,120 meals for 1 year. I was very impressed in how many meals that was for people across the world from me. I am very happy and glad that I went and got the chance to help make meals for families that are less unfortunate. Also the experience helped me reminded me that there are a lot of ways to help fight poverty. Even if it’s something locally like the group feed my Starving Children. Everyone should take advantage of these and volunteer in groups like this.