“A special event is a unique moment in time celebrated with ceremony and ritual to satisfy specific needs.” (Goldblatt, J. (2002). Special Events: Twenty-First Century Global Event Management) . It is an occasion or a function that holds a specific outcome. Reasons for running a special event can include raising money, raising awareness, gaining publicity or recognising successes. These goals can be reached by running events including functions, dinners, award nights, fairs, grand openings and general fundraising events. Special events can range in sizes from a small scale private wedding to a large scale state circus. Alan L.Wendroff states that there are seven goals for running a successful special event ;
1- Raise money
2- Update your mission statement to educate your consistuency
3- Motivate board members and major givers
4- Recruit volunteers and future board members
5- Expand the organizations network
6- Market the organization
7- Solicit endorsements
(Wendroff, L. A (2004). Special Events; Proven Strategies For Non-Profit Fundraising).
These seven goals guide event managers and fundraisers through the process of achieving there aims through running a special event. Annual special events used for fundraising purposes can have