In the show, we see three judges who have different personalities. A English man who is like Simon, a woman judge who is Jennifer Lopez, and African American who is Randy. I believe it deeper than that. I believe that it aiming how talent is being viewed by shows like American Idol, but in particular the actions of the judges. It shows the thirst for distraction on national TV. For example, when Abi went on the stage, she went to sing. Eventually ended up being a porn star. You may ask how did that come to pass? Here is the answer, one of the judges answer changed the whole game. Judge Wraith wanted to see some cleavage and that distracted the crowd from her singing skills but focused on her looks. Fifteen million merits satirizes the development of TV shows.
Everyday we are getting closer to this reality. This is something that has been going for some time now. We are too far in to change it. It is something that we have to deal with, but it is important that we understand what is going on in our