The Blind Side is a 2009 American semi-biographical drama film written and directed by John Lee Hancock. The film took place at Memphis, Tennesse and featured Michael Oher, an offensive lineman who played for the Baltimore Raven of the NFL. For most of his childhood life, 17 year old Oher has been in foster care with different families yet runs away every time he was placed in a new home. His life change when his friend’s father asks Burt Cotton, coach of Wingate Christian School, to help his son and Mike enrol. Impressed by Mike’s size and athleticism, Cotton gets him admitted despite his abysmal academic record. At his new school, Oher was befriended by a boy named Sean Jr. “SJ”. One cold night, SJ’s mother Leigh Anne Tuohy, a strong-minded interior designer and the wife of wealthy businessman Sean Tuohy notice Michael walking on the road heading towards school’s gym to spend the night. Upon learning this she offered him to spend the night with them instead. The next morning, upon seeing Michael leaved she offered him to stay with them for the holiday. Slowly, he became part of the Tuohy family. Leigh Ann became Michael’s legal guardian especially after hearing he has a drug addict mother and that no one knew her where about was. In school, Michael’s academic records improved through the help of his tutor Miss Sue and soon enough he became part of the school football. It was a shaky start at first but encouragement by Leigh Anne focusing on Michael’s protective instincts made him dominate on the field. Meanwhile, SJ was busy videoing Michaels games and after compiling them he sent them in to different college coached around the country. He was recruited by these colleges and offered him different opportunities yet the Tuohy family preferred the University of Mississippi for him for they were both an alumni of the school as well as for his tutor, Miss Sue who was as well an alumna. Subsequently, they became the subject of the NCAA
The Blind Side is a 2009 American semi-biographical drama film written and directed by John Lee Hancock. The film took place at Memphis, Tennesse and featured Michael Oher, an offensive lineman who played for the Baltimore Raven of the NFL. For most of his childhood life, 17 year old Oher has been in foster care with different families yet runs away every time he was placed in a new home. His life change when his friend’s father asks Burt Cotton, coach of Wingate Christian School, to help his son and Mike enrol. Impressed by Mike’s size and athleticism, Cotton gets him admitted despite his abysmal academic record. At his new school, Oher was befriended by a boy named Sean Jr. “SJ”. One cold night, SJ’s mother Leigh Anne Tuohy, a strong-minded interior designer and the wife of wealthy businessman Sean Tuohy notice Michael walking on the road heading towards school’s gym to spend the night. Upon learning this she offered him to spend the night with them instead. The next morning, upon seeing Michael leaved she offered him to stay with them for the holiday. Slowly, he became part of the Tuohy family. Leigh Ann became Michael’s legal guardian especially after hearing he has a drug addict mother and that no one knew her where about was. In school, Michael’s academic records improved through the help of his tutor Miss Sue and soon enough he became part of the school football. It was a shaky start at first but encouragement by Leigh Anne focusing on Michael’s protective instincts made him dominate on the field. Meanwhile, SJ was busy videoing Michaels games and after compiling them he sent them in to different college coached around the country. He was recruited by these colleges and offered him different opportunities yet the Tuohy family preferred the University of Mississippi for him for they were both an alumni of the school as well as for his tutor, Miss Sue who was as well an alumna. Subsequently, they became the subject of the NCAA