Nowadays the population of people gets increased whereas simultaneously the technology is also gets developing. Hence more people are now accessing the social media networks for various purposes. People also use the social media for posting their reviews about various/specific products, company, brand, firms, movies etc. Thus the reviews may either be in positive or negative or in neutral format so analyzing this reviews using some sentiment analysis techniques may provide some good results to make a better decision. This analysis can be done either by using a machine learning method or Lexicon-based approach. In our paper we had used corpus-based approach (semantic approach) for opinion classification on movie reviews. It’s mainly useful for film industries to classify which movie has get more popular over the people. Sentiment analysis of sentence level reviews is better rather than analyzing the rating or value based reviews because when it comes to sentence level reviews people can be able to express their thoughts, emotions and expressions etc.,. The larger amount of movie reviews is used as …show more content…
Analysis of people‘s aspects, reactions, emotions, etc. regarding entities such as services, products, issues, events and their attributes based on feedback from Web pages is called opinion mining. Opinion mining is also called as sentiment analysis, opinion extraction, sentiment mining, and subjectivity analysis, affect analysis, emotion analysis, review mining, etc. [12]. Opinion mining becomes important for impact analysis and helps in making decisions on constructive developmental directions. It is a research area dealing with usual methods of opinion detection and extraction of sentiments presented in a text