Your Final Project is due this week.
Using the scenario below, you are to draft a divorce decree, which is the final order of the court and dissolves the marriage and any and all outstanding issues of the marriage; this would include property, debt, children custody, support (alimony and child support), and miscellaneous issues. In this scenario, Patty filed divorce. Therefore, Patty is the Plaintiff and David is the Defendant. In some jurisdictions, the Plaintiff will be called the Petitioner, while the Defendant will be referred to as the Respondent. Additionally, a divorce decree may be referred to as a judgment of divorce. Remember, your textbook can be a great resource for your assignment.
Fact Scenario …show more content…
Both Patty (38 years old) and David (48 years old) have legally separated and are residing in different homes. Patty resides at 123 W. Golf Road, Patriot, Massachusetts 12345. David resides at 456 E. Lark St., Patriot, Massachusetts 12345. The couple has two children: David, Jr., 8 years old and Patricia, 5 years old. David has a successful career as an engineer. Patty has a successful career as an Assistant School Principal. During the marriage, both parties worked.
Patty currently resides in the marital home with the children, while David has relocated to a relative’s home. Patty has accepted a job offer in another state, which would relocate Patty and the children miles away from the marital home, in which they currently reside. David fears that this distance would not benefit the children’s relationship with both parents. David files a motion for custody during the pendency of the divorce