We live in the United States there are not supposed to be starving children in America one of the riches countries in the world but yet there are children that are homeless and starving to death right in front of us how can this be? When I see a child that is dirty or even looks like they maybe hungry I want to buy them food however that may be a fine line that we may have to watch with all the child molesters and all the mean in the world we may just be taken aback by trying to help, I have volunteered in homeless shelters, I have watched a whole family take a bath in Lake Chaplain in Vermont in the winter that is sad. I feel that we as Americans need to stand up for our children they are our future and if we don’t take care of them now then what kind of people are we. Who are the poor children in America? They are our neighbors, they are the quite kids with the worried look on their face in the class rooms of our schools, they could not be poor at all their family may just be withholding food from their children due to the parent being afraid that their child may get obese or they may be just plain mean I have known people that are like that and I have known a few in my days and I did report what I saw. The National Center for Children in Poverty (NCCP) is a leading public policy center dedicated to promoting the economic security, health, and well being of America’s low income families and children. Using research to inform the policy and the practice to protect our children and seeks out solutions and strategic use of public resources at the state and
References: Seith, D., (2011) Who are America’s Poor Children? www.enivirolink.org Fuller, D., (2012) Donaldson, P., (2009) The face of hunger www.cia.gov Williams, V., (2009)