BUS/475 Integrated Business Topics
Crib Sheet Individual Final Strategic Business Plan Paper and Oral Presentation | Resources: Vision, Mission, Values, SWOTT Analysis, Synopsis Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and an Oral Communication Plan for your presentation.Write a 1,500 to 2,100 word section for your strategic business plan in which you add your strategies and tactics to implement and realize your strategic objectives, measures, and targets. Include marketing and information technology strategies and tactics. Develop at least three methods to monitor and control your proposed strategic plan, being sure to analyze how the measures will advance organizational goals financially and operationally. Finally, recommend actions needed to address ethical, legal, and regulatory issues faced by the organization, and how they can improve corporate citizenship.Combine the above write-up with all of the other completed elements of your Strategic Business Plan, incorporating all Instructor Feedback, into a consolidated final work product. This includes the Vision, Mission, Values, SWOTT Analysis, Synopsis Analysis, Balanced Scorecard, and Oral Communication Plan. This consolidated final Strategic Business Plan should be no less than 6,000 words in length. Prepare no less than ten Microsoft® PowerPoint® slides in which you outline the vision, mission, values, balanced scorecard and all other relevant items that you have developed for your Strategic Business Plan and be prepared to implement your Oral Communication Plan.Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.[Written @ 8 points + Oral @ 5 points = 13 points total] | 9/5/12 | 13 |
Final Strategic Business Plan
SolarCity is the largest solar electric system installation and financing company in the United States. This accomplishment can be attributed to fantastic leadership, strategic planning, and implementation. The purpose of this strategic business is to describe
References: Cambell, B. (2010, May 28). How to Improve Your Corporate Culture. BCBUSINESS. Retrieved from http://www.bcbusinessonline.ca/bcb/business-sense/2010/05/28/how-improve-your-corporate-culture Database of State Incentives for Renewables & Efficiency. (2012). DSIRE. Retrieved from http://www.dsireusa.org/incentives/incentive.cfm?Incentive_Code=CA44F&re=0&ee=0 National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (2012). The Open PV Project. Retrieved from https://openpv.nrel.gov Pearce, J., & Robinson, R. (2009). Strategic management: Formulation, implementation, and control (11th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. SolarCity. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.solarcity.com/media-center/company-profile.aspx Thompson, A., Gamble, J., & Strickland, A. (2006). Strategy: Winning in the markeplace: Core concepts, analystical tools, cases (2nd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. YouTube. (2012). Retrieved from http://www.youtube.com/yt/advertise/index.html