Implementation has been defined as “the carrying out of a basic policy decision , usually incorporated in a statute but can be in form of important executive orders or court decisions”(mazmanian and sabatier 1983). It has also been defined as those actions by people that are directed at achievement of objectives set forth in the policy decision (van meter and van Horne 1974).
Thus Policy implementation is what develops between an intention of the government to do something and its ultimate impact following action (o toole 2000). Implementation is said to commence once goals and objectives have been established by policy decisions and funds committed (van horn and van meter 1974). Implementation involves both organisational systems and processes and actions of members of the organisation.
Implementation studies are to be found at the intersection of public administration, organizational theory, public management research and political science studies (Schofield and Sausman 2004)
Evolution of the field
The policy implementation research literature has grown over the last thirty five years. Significantly the publication of this growing literature is seen in journals outside the core field, suggesting that implementation research has become multidisciplinary and dispersed. The most important fields studied as part of this research stream are education, health, social, economics and environment (Saetren 2005). Although the most preferred topic is education especially for dissertations; the interest in health and environment has grown in the last fifteen years. The emphasis has been on study of domestic issues in these fields with a predominant bias towards United States and to a lesser degree to Europe. Global or international issues have received less focus (Saetren 2005).
The study of policy implementation among researchers has oscillated in and out of interest during the last thirty five years. Policy