Executive Summary
Commercial Banks are one of the key contributors to the economy of Bangladesh. As a commercial bank, how much Sonali Bank Limited contributing the people of Bangladesh in case of forming capital, lending funds, collecting remittances from aboard, controlling default loan and banking services encourages us to study its financial activities and performance. It is the largest commercial bank which was established in 1972 with the vision to stand out as a pioneer banking institution in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the national economy. The authorized capital of the Bank is Tk. 10.00 Billion. Its capital and reserve reached Tk.400 billion as on June 31, 2009. The bank had 26,085 staff of whom January 31, 2010. They provide different kind of product and services. Sonali Bank Limited believes in sound and effective governance as a preferred priority. The Board of Directors is the body responsible for corporate governance, devising policies, determining objectives for stewardship of Bank’s resources. The pace of development of a financial institution is primarily based upon its ability to develop and utilize the innate capacities of its employees. The bank has completed 38th year of banking operations with a network o 1182 branches recording significant growth in business and profitability.
As an Intern, I had the opportunity to do the different types of tasks under Sonali Bank Limited. During the internship period, I have used my observations and gained experiences about various banking functions and day-today operations. Sonali Bank Limited provides different types of services to its customer’s like-
• Merchant Banking.
• Foreign exchange.
• General banking etc. I segmented my report into nine chapters. First covers the introduction about the report, second chapter covers the literature review. Third chapter is the organizational overview of Sonali Bank Limited. Fourth chapter is for