services and resources at the J. Otto Lottes Health Sciences Library. I will use the information in this article for my future research. Knowing how to properly search for information is crucial when conducting a systematic review.
In this editorial from a scholarly journal, Bergenholtz discusses the importance of general palliative nursing care (GPNC) in the roles of nurses, and the hospital itself. The aim of this systematic review is to take a look at GPNC as a culture across hospitals. Bergenholtz assembled an ethnographic study which found three cultural themes, one being GPNC is provided in a treatment setting, another being, transition to from to loving care to palliative care, and potential for team improvement. The author came to the conclusion that practical and professional nursing skills are not sufficient enough to improve the GPNC hospital department. I believe this author is qualified to write this article because she is a PhD student, and wrote with other authors who are highly prestigious as well. I will use this information in my own work when I need an example on cultural themes when trying to analyze data.