The important of this quote is before you even start reading the book Greg Heffley is trying to sound cool straight away. The significance of the quote is that Greg really cares what other people think bout him. “The only reason I agreed to do this because I figure later on when I’m rich and famous, I’ll have better things to do than answer people’s stupid questions all day” (Pg.2)
The important of this quote is he thinks he’s going to famous when he gets older just because he think he will. The significance of this quote is that even though he doesn’t want to write in this book, it’s going to help him when he becomes famous. “Let me just say for the record I …show more content…
The significance of this quote is Greg doesn’t care for anything he does cause all he wants to do is sleep eat and play video games. “I guess I kind of felt sorry for Rowley, and I decided to take him under my wing” (Pg.19)
The important of this quote is that once again Greg he thinks he is so cool that he can help he his best friend to be cool as well. The significance of this quote even though he wants to get a new best friend he is trying to make Rowley as cool as he is now.
If I get pinned by Fregley one more time, I’m goanna have a nervous breakdown” (Pg.89)
The important of this quote is Fregley is not cool enough to pin him in wrestling. The significance of the quote is just because you think you are cooler then someone does not mean they are not better then you at something.
When I heard Mrs Norton playing the first few bars of ‘we three trees’, I felt my stomach jump” (Pg.108)
The important of this quote is even when cool people have to do something in front of people they get as nervous as you do. The significance of the quote just because your cool does not mean you can do every