Everyone wants to achieve The American Dream. What do we consider to be The American Dream? A few decades ago, The American Dream was to live in a friendly neighborhood, have a white picket fence, and have a small family of four (preferably a boy and girl). Today, the dream has changed drastically. Currently, The American Dream is to be extremely wealthy and have the most followers on social media. Unfortunately, there are no more strong connects with people.
America has grown to be a technological country. We rely on technology for everything. In the video clip “First World Problems” people from poor countries talk about how they hate not having technology in their life. They are sort of mocking America,
in the way that we are indeed a technological based country. Our country uses social media as a way to communicate with people that are in the same vicinity as us. Everywhere you look, there is someone either texting, calling, or taking pictures. Very few people are learning how to clean dishes, wash clothes, and solve problems. We are so relied on technology that we don’t even feel the need to learn how to do things incase our technology goes away.
Other countries are unable to produce as much technology as America. They learn much more about the World around us since they have to have physical contact with people and things around them. America however does not have that, we can travel the whole World in a matter of seconds by looking at our screens. America hasn’t gotten a chance to live without all of this technology. We need to take a break from technology and interact with the people around us. People need to have a strong relationships, you need people to talk to wether you are feeling happy or sad. Relationships help you keep your emotions intact. Without someone being physically there for you, you will have a struggle living your life in pure happiness.
Everyone wants to achieve The American Dream. Put down your phones. Look at the beautiful World you have around you. Take time out of your day to make strong connections with people you never knew existed.