Fitness and Walking
Final Learning Outcome A big thing that I have learned in this call is the health of walking. The walks we went on I enjoyed very much. I learned many things in this class. I learned about strength, limitations, weaknesses, I loved the different paths and routes we walked even though some of them were hard at times. The main things that we were to be taught and learn in this class were know proper fitness walking techniques, knowing the equipment for walking, know the safety concerns for myself and others walking with me, and a way to learn how to accomplish goals while walking in life or for real. Another thing we were to learn about was how to assess and determine an improved fitness level and to make sure I kept a good log on how long I walked and what goals I accomplished that day in the walking activity. One of the things I learned was how a different path can make a big difference in how one needs to get themselves ready. One must stretch very well if there are going to be many hills and hard paths to walk, just like many of the paths here at school. The second is that if you are taking an easy path you don’t need much time to prepare yourself as you would if you were walking up a steep hill, or rocky path. My favorite experience I got from this class is what a joy it is to just be outside and walking. To see the beautiful grass and trees now that the snow is gone is so nice. I will most likely make walking a part of my life from now on even after this class just to enjoy being outside. The least favorite route we did was when we walked the path backwards. I felt as if we walked up and down the hill many more times than we normally would, but that is probably because I was used to the first way. One of the challenges I had to overcome in this course is the tougher paths we walk. Sometimes it was very hard to complete the walk because some of the paths we walked were much harder than