The reason I choose the medical assisting program is because is a very fast growing industry. Also, it comes with a very good pay, and almost always there is some jobs available. They way I choose this program was by searching the right college for it. Once I had the right college I just went ahead and signed up right away. As soon as the program started each term was so helpful and very beneficial, what I gained from each term was some hands on training, step by step instructions on how to do some of the most difficult procedures. As well as some rules and regulations, very important laws, for example the HIPPA law. Where there some classes that I felt that I could’ve gained some more, definitely. I felt that I needed the right instructor to teach the right class, what I mean is the instructor has to at least act like he/she likes what their teaching. My relationship during my tenure at Westwood with instructors started with very good until midway way of my third term. A lot of the instructors started to leave or change schools and I started getting confused and not really to focused, with admissions very good all there to help, and colleagues as well. Some of the relationships did change but for the better, I got to meet some very good helpful people and a very good friend in Westwood.
Once my instructor picked my extern site, Maximos Ob/Gyn I was thrilled. The type of responsibility that I had was front office and back office. Once I started to get assigned assignments I feeling great, until suddenly one of the employees comes to my desk and handles me a huge stack of papers that needs to be verified from scanning, I was saying to myself, “ I’m never going to be done”. So I did as much as I could, and I was still giving assignments from the front office for the past two weeks billing and coding, and these specific tasks were not my strongest. I was able to bare with them and I just continued to do every assignment that