The so called savannah biome is a biome that is formed …show more content…
therefore, their population increases from deserts to savannahs. It is believed that consumption by herbivores from all the ecosystems is dominated by native herbivores. Wild herbivores select their habitat and modify their movements in the biome to give response to both forage availability and predation risk (Sih 1980, Houston et al. 1993). Baring in mind that African savannas gives life support a high diversity of herbivores that have a range of body sizes. Herbivores include strict browsers, strict grazers, and mixed feeders. In the savannah biomes, there is almost all the required elements for animals to survive (food, water and etc.), this is where most the animals including carnivores resides, this increases competition and predatory. Therefore, herbivores has to reproduce at a rate that will inhibit extinction of the species. As the population of the species increases, the demand for food also increases. This results in grass population declining. This shows that population of herbivores is inversely proportional to the amount of food (Western D, …show more content…
On the other hand, even if there is no fire occurrence for years, the vegetation growth is determined by the soil, the type and amount of nutrients available for the plants to grow, determines the abundance and height of the plants present in that landscape. Therefore both elements (fire and soil), control the ecosystem. In the southern African region, in winter there are water constraints, this causes grass to dry out, the drying of the grass gives fire energy to burn intensely so. However, fire controls plants to germinate, there are perennial weeds and plants that thrive after a period of about five years after a fire phenomenon. Therefore, if there are frequent fires occurring in that area, certain crops will not thrive in that area. If the soil is mostly sandy and lacks nutrients, plants growing in that area or landscape will mostly be grass and less and scattered woody