Name: Chrysanthos Ladomatos
Student Number: u149685
Teaching Assistant Course level 3
Question 1 Discuss five factors that may affect number skills development.
Number skills development is widely viewed as necessities for lifelong learning and the development of success among individuals, families, communities and even nations. Decisions in life are so often based on numerical information: to make the best choices, we need to be numerical. Below, are five factors that may affect number skills development:
National and Community factors
Children’s development depends on a country’s and communities political, cultural, social and economic policies. A Government and the Minister of Education are responsible for setting challenging targets for improvement that will require a comprehensive, national effort focused on improving numeracy skills of every child during all stages of the education system. This involves pooling resources that are available and providing effective programs and incentives that encourage number skills.
Home factors
The involvement of parents/carers, throughout a child’s development is very important to gaining numeracy skills. A strong home-learning environment increases the likelihood of the child being prepared for understanding more complex numeracy skills at school. For example, if a child is influenced by many learning activities such as, number games and snakes and ladders, in the household, they will be more prepared to face school activities. The social economic status backgrounds have an effect upon the child’s learning. A child living with access to a computer or surrounded by clocks may have more opportunity to explore mathematics, learning to tell the time or playing online numeracy games.
School factors
School remains the main environment for formal learning, for most children. The factors at school which affect number skills acquisition are the Curriculum, the school environment and the resources it has.