Everyone was crying, screaming, freaking out. So many ranges of emotions throughout this flight. People on the flight were calling their loved ones saying there last words like, Thomas Burnett Jr., told his wife over the phone that “I know we’re all going to die. There’s three of us who are going to do something about it. I love you, honey.”(history.com) It was beyond emotional for everyone and impacted so many people emotionally. Another person on the plane,, Sandy Bradshaw, a flight attendant, called her husband and explained that she had slipped into a galley and was filling pitchers with boiling water. Her last words to him were “Everyone’s running to first class. I’ve got to go. Bye.” (history.com) Having to make this call or even receive this call must have been so devastating and heartbreaking.
This flight did not even make it to its destination that is currently still unknown to where it was going. It flipped over, and crashed in Pennsylvania and everyone died all 45 passengers. It could have been the White House, Camp in Maryland, Or the nuclear plants that also could have gotten attacked. Osama Bin Laden is known to be behind the September 11