The introduction of passengers in Flight Sim World has both received support and critics, but is it really something new and uninteresting as some seem to suggest? Then why did people get excited with PeopleFlow or FsPassengers?
When Dovetail Games announced for its 6th update animated passengers were coming to the simulator, I was happy, I must say. Being one of those people who grabed the Mission Editor and tried to explore it, I felt from the initial moment that it made sense to have passengers sitting with the pilot in the missions in which you take passengers along. Apparently, now I can, although I’ve not tried it yet.
What I did, though, as soon as the update was available, was to explore what could be the visual …show more content…
Unfortunately, the mission editor would never recognize the added passenger, so I left my mission in standby, waiting for an update that would make it work.
Now with animated passengers, if it all works, missions in particular can be interesting, as are flights in general, if you’re the type of simmer that likes to see how your plane looks from the outside. I know I like to see the aircraft and landscape, so for me it was an exciting update, allowing me to see those animated figures looking out of the window, waving their arms. So much, in fact, that I ended creating the video that led me to write this note, which may interest some of you.
Passengers may not be perfect – yet – by they add an interesting element. I believe the video I created gives you an idea. Is like watching a group of Sims (from the game) flying, and enjoying it. That’s how I felt while capturing the sequences for the video. I understand that some people, those who say they never leave the cockpit, don’t care a bit about animated passengers, but the thousands of images of flight simulations taken from outside the plane – in every different simulator around – confirms me that many people do take that opportunity that is not available in REAL LIFE. So, if you’ve another element that makes the sim more realistic, as planes do not fly without …show more content…
They accpeth the little figures, but then complain that we do not see the passengers when inside the cockpit, and that breaks the illusion. To those I should say: imagine a little bit harder. After all you’re already sitting in front of your monitor and computer imagining you’re flying… can you not take the next step? Also, while the miniature passengers we see now work well, I doubt that having passengers viewable when you’re in the cockpit is an easy task. It would be either a mass of blurred pictures, or a detailled figure, which would bring your framerate to a halt. There are also other problems, like reduced visibility, with passengers inside the cockpit, so I am not sure DTG will implement