Petroleum Systems by Leslie B. Magoon and Edward A. Beaumont
Leslie B. Magoon
Leslie B. Magoon graduated from the University of Oregon in Eugene in 1966 with an M.S. degree in geology. Presently, he is a senior research geologist with the U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California. Prior to that he was with Shell Oil Company for 8 years as an exploration geologist. Over the last 32 years, he has been involved in petroleum geology with emphasis on geochemistry in the Rocky Mountain states, California, Alaska, Colombia, and Malaysia. He has numerous publications on the geology and geochemistry of petroleum provinces in Alaska, the Cook Inlet–Alaska Peninsula, and the North Slope. For the last 15 years he has devoted much of his time to developing and presenting the petroleum system. From 1990–1991, he was an AAPG Distinguished Lecturer. At the 1996 AAPG Annual meeting, Magoon and W.G. Dow, as coeditors, received the R.H. Dott, Sr., Memorial Award for AAPG Memoir 60, The Petroleum System—From Source to Trap.
Edward A. Beaumont
Edward A. (Ted) Beaumont is an independent petroleum geologist from Tulsa, Oklahoma. He holds a BS in geology from the University of New Mexico and an MS in geology from the University of Kansas. Currently, he is generating drilling prospects in Texas, Oklahoma, and the Rocky Mountains. His previous professional experience was as a sedimentologist in basin analysis with Cities Service Oil Company and as Science Director for AAPG. Ted is coeditor of the Treatise of Petroleum Geology. He has lectured on creative exploration techniques in the U.S., China, and Australia and has received the Distinguished Service Award and Award of Special Recognition from AAPG.
Introduction This chapter discusses the concept and use of petroleum systems. It describes what petroleum systems are and how they can be identified and mapped. This chapter contains the following sections. Section A B C D Topic Defining a Petroleum