Foetus is regarded as a human being therefore it has the right of life according to section 12 of the constitution. To kill a foetus is to murder a human person. According to Pope Pius IX1869, he argued that a foetus is a human person from conception and therefore abortion is murder. This claim is supported by the fact that all necessary genetic material is present at conception and the foetus continues development from conception until born as a human being.
Taking Zimbabwe as a Christian country, biblically (Exodus 20:18), it stated that, “do not kill” which is a quotation used by many Christians in opposition of abortion. However this verse might seems as only applying to a “person” and the issue of when the foetus becomes a person crops up again. In response to this Christians went on to argue that the bible teaches that is a human as it is stated in (Jeremiah1:5) “before I formed you in the womb…when I was growing there in secret, you knew that I was there, you saw me before I was growing
References: Allen and Thompson, cases and materials on constitutional law,4th edition (1996) Chikanza and W Cosgrave. P, Carrington.A life and policy. (1985) Linning Marry Anne Warren (1991) Reynolds, D