From tennis to wrestling, sports have given me a reason to do well in school, teaching me how to deal with the struggles of life and ways to overcome them. Sports have shown me that with devotion and a diligent work ethic, there is not an excuse for why something did not happen, but why something did. I approach every aspect of life with grit for excellence as it has impacted my life in sports. This additional quality allows me to lead a task and exceed expectations through intrinsic motivation.
Dedication, determination, and experience are essential to the development of a profound leader. As an athlete, it is important to be energetic about the things I am striving to accomplish, similar to the affection for the game and the …show more content…
The study of followership is a more in depth comprehension of leadership. The success and failure of groups, organizations, and teams are not only dependent on how effective a leader is, but also on how well individuals can follow. As a follower, I learned to assess, challenge, and support. I assess myself knowing my strengths and weaknesses; challenge myself defeating an obstacle that is troublesome, yet feasible; and support my leader through reinforcement and encouragement. Enhancing the capacity to take and value other's lead improves administration and raises the probabilities of better execution. Without confidence from others, one can not effectively