References: and bibliography Clark, G and Johnston, R (2005). Service operations management: improving service delivery. 2nd ed. Harlow: Financial Times/Prentice Hall. Jayawardena, C. (1994). 'Service Concepts '. In: R Kotas and C Jayawardena Profitable food and beverage management . London: Hodder&Stoughton. pp. 170191. The Nando 's story. (2010). The Nando 's story. Available at: Accessed on 07 December 2010. Additional reading Cousins, J.A. (2002). Food and beverage management. 2nd ed. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited. Jones, P and Merricks, P (1994). The Management of foodservice operations. London: Cassell Khan, M.A (1991). Concepts of foodservice operations and management. New York, London: Van Nostrand Reinhold. Lovelock, C; Vandermerwe, S; Lewis B (1999) Services Marketing: A European Perspective, London: Prentice Hall. Lundberg, D E. (1993). The restaurant: from concept to operation. 2 nd ed. New York: Wiley&Sons, Inc. Mintel. (2009). Restaurant Service Trends – UK September 2009. Available at: _results/show&/display/id=440640 Accessed on 07 December 2010. Slack, N; Chambers, S; Johnson, R (2004), Operations Management, 4 th ed. London: Pearson Higher Education Wright, J.N. (1999). The management of service operations. London: Cassell. Yeoman, I (2000). Yield management. 2nd ed. London:Continuum.…