The Entrepreneurial Spirit:
Creating A Food Cart Business
FOCUS: (Appetizer) Overview: This lesson introduces students to entrepreneurship, a specific type of human resource. Teams of students create food cart businesses, give them creative names, develop advertisements, and complete basic business plans. Students, working as entrepreneurs, must develop a niche market, promote their product, and make good business decisions.
Concepts: entrepreneur, venture, wants, resources, business plan competition, opportunity cost
Integrate: science, communication arts, art
PREPARE: (Salad Course) Materials: Chart paper Pencils, markers Scamper Chart Making a Business Decision Handout Brainstorming Rules Transparency Business Plan Handout PMI Handout Checklist of Tasks Transparency
Construct: 1) Arrange the classroom in a way to provide each team of students enough privacy and space to quietly discuss and plan their business. 20 Provide a sheet of chart paper for each team of students. 3) Make copies of handouts. 4) Prepare transparency.
TEACH: (Entree) Introduction: Ask students to list all of the different places they have seen prepared food sold. Have students share their ideas with their neighbors. Construct a whole-group list on the board as students volunteer to share their ideas. The list could include sports events, restaurants, grocery stores, entertainment events, malls, etc.
1) Tell students that entrepreneurs are individuals who recognize opportunities (wants, problems) and use resources to implement innovative ideas for new ventures.
2) Explain to students that today we are going to look at one way food is sometimes sold ... food carts. Ask students to share their experiences with food carts. Some examples might include hot dogs, pretzels, or ice cream. Food carts are small carts, usually metal, that can be rolled