To begin the film, it shows a picture of a farm in an aisle of a supermarket. It looks like something that most people think farms are, a little red barn, green
grass, and in big lettering it says “farm fresh.” This looks to be a paragon of a farm, but as Michael Pollan explains that this mental picture that most Americans have about where their food comes from is, warped. As Pollan tries to edify the audience, a eerie sounding music starts to play. This changes the mood towards the subject. By playing this eerie or evil sounding music it appeals to the audience's pathos by setting the mood that Food Inc. is trying to portray. We see this throughout the film, when talking about the chicken farm or the meat packing industry, they play dramatic music to try and make them look bad. When they talk about something they support the tone changes, for instance Polyface farms, Polyface farms raises their animals all natural. So when the film starts to explains what they do, joyful music plays. Appealing to pathos by inspiring hope into the audience in what Polyface farms is trying to do.