“[Our name]’s priority is to provide & maintain a strong commitment to healthy quality food, excellent customer service, and a relaxing ambiance. At [our name], we strive to provide Canada with a first-rate dining experience. We believe guests who dine at [our name] should leave enthused and sated, while making immediate plans to return.”
“We are passionate about food! We prepare the finest cuts of meats, obtain the freshest local produce, and we have impeccable service with a cheerful environment. With award winning culinary artists, there is nowhere else you would rather be.”
[Our name] has the ambition to become the fastest growing restaurant chain in Canada. We encourage strong work ethics, innovation and reward staff for goals accomplished. With continued support and development for our employees, we mold [our name] as an attractive atmosphere for talented and unique individuals.
“Whether you are looking for a career or a part time job, [our name] is the place for you. We recognize hard work through benefits and incentives for staff. We are also a strong supporter for the local culinary college; we offer internships and scholarships with a long-term -commitment of support for our current and future generations as they make their way into the culinary world.”
* Our goal is to expand from our current locations in Calgary and Edmonton Alberta, and open three new restaurants in British Columbia. The new restaurants will be located in Vancouver, Whistler and Victoria. Our aim is to have the three new establishments operating in two years, in time to benefit from the 2010 Winter Olympics. [Our name] goal is to have one restaurant fully functional after 8 months of construction and training. Each new establishment will follow consecutively to maintain the firm timeline set forth by our organization.
Quality products & fair pricing * [our name] will ensure that the three new locations provide quality
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