A type of tooth decay is Baby bottle syndrome. It’s when the parents of a baby allow them to sleep with a bottle containing a sugary drink or having the bottle in the infant’s mouth for a long period of time. This will weaken or destroy the protective layer. The infant may develop cavatities mostly in the top front teeth; also the back teeth are affected however the bottom teeth are protected by the positioning of the tongue. If it’s not detected in the early stage then there may be infections around the mouth area or the infant can lose their tooth or lead to more tooth implications as well as the Childs development
That was for the babies suffering or developing tooth decay- look at PowerPoint The symptoms of tooth decay for children are- look on PowerPoint
Tooth decay is caused by the lack of vitamins that are needed to develop strong health bones and teeth. The requirements that prevent a infant or child developing tooth decay, parents should include: look on PowerPoint.
When an infant or child has developed tooth decay, it may affect their appearance in having yellowish or brownish teeth with black holes and society will think that this child is dirty and that the parents haven’t thought them the correct way of being hygienic.
PANDEMIC- meaning the disease became a widespread over many countries due to sugar implantations and expansions of fast food stores.
To conclude having the correct understanding of a healthy balanced diet will decrease the chances of children developing tooth cavatities. Because the Childs teeth need specific nutrients to strengthen the protective layer, nerves and blood