Instructor: Ecole Morris- University of Montana-Western
Goal: to develop a personal teaching philosophy of early childhood education based on research and analysis.
Purpose: If someone asked you to explain your philosophy of teaching young children, what would you say? How would you begin to formulate a statement that captures the essence of your belief about teaching and learning? Teacher candidates are increasingly being asked to articulate their philosophy of teaching. This request is often in conjunction with the submission of a teaching portfolio for seeking teaching positions or dossier for promotion and tenure.
A teaching philosophy is a statement of reflection …show more content…
about what you will do as a teacher. Your beliefs influence your action. It has been recognized by many teachers that the process of identifying a personal teaching philosophy and continuously examining, testifying, and verifying this philosophy can lead to change of teaching behaviors and ultimately enhance professional and personal growth.
Assignment: For this assignment articulate your teaching philosophy in two phases. (100 points) 1.
Introduction: at the beginning of the semester, you are required to write a 4-5 page paper. In it, consider the following points: * Why do you want to become an early childhood education teacher? * What type of teaching position do you hope to obtain, and why? * What are your strongest characteristics or talents as a potential early childhood educator? * What are the factors that influence your decision to pursue this career?
2. Areas to emphasize: Use the following questions to help you think about your beliefs regarding teaching young children. It is not necessary to respond to each of these questions in your written philosophy. You may also decide to comment on additional issues as well. Take some time to think about each one in some depth. * How do you view young children? What is the child’s role in his/her education? What do you belief about how young children learn? * What role does family play in your teaching? How will you include them in your classroom? * What are your views on inclusion, how will you include all children in your classroom? * How do you view the role of the teacher? How will your views influence your …show more content…
teaching? * What kind of environment do you hope to create in your future classroom? How does this relate to your basic beliefs about young children and learning? * What do you hope young children will become? What do you want them to achieve, accomplish, learn, feel, etc.? * What kind of feedback will you offer your students as they work? What kind of assessment will you use to be sure that students have met objectives? * Looking back at the history of early childhood education, who or what approaches have the greatest impression on you, and why?
General Paper Format Suggestions: * Use present tense, in most cases. Write the paper in first-person (which is the most common and easiest for your audience to read). * Write in language and concepts that can be broadly appreciated. A general rule is that the statement should be written with the audience in mind. It may help to consider a school administrator (e.g., school principal) as your audience. * Write a paper that will let your audience know where you stand in regard to important educational theories and practices. By including specific examples of teaching theories and approaches, you are able to let your reader take a mental “peek” of your classroom. * Make the paper memorable and unique. Think of this teaching philosophy as part of a job application where your readers are seeing many of these statements. What is going to set you apart from others? What about you are they going to remember? Create a vivid portrait of yourself as someone who is intentional about teaching and committed to his/her
career. * A working draft will be developed and reviewed by a peer during the class. This working draft will be submitted with the final draft. * The personal philosophy paper must be typed, double-spaced, following APA (6th ed.) guidelines. It must be a minimum of 4 pages not including references or appendices. A minimum of 3 references must be used. No more than 1 of these can be electronic (internet) references. A textbook bibliography can be a goldmine of references to follow up on as well.