Mayan Calendar A key truth is that there is a DIVINE PLAN. The future belongs to those that trust in the process and are willing to go with the divine plan. The main tool for understanding this plan is the Mayan calendar.
The truth about the Mayan calendar is really not difficult to understand. The problem is only that we have all been conditioned by a materialist mind that makes us look for the ultimate explanations in the material reality rather than in the divine plan. Needless to say, many, especially in the West, have egos that find it difficult to accept that they are subordinated to a divine plan that can not even potentially be manipulated by physical means. - Carl Johan Calleman.
2012 Unlimited Philosophy
1. Humanity and Planet Earth are currently going through a huge change or shift in consciousness and reality perception.
2. The Mayan civilization of Central America was and is the most advanced in relation to time-science knowledge. Their main calendar is the most accurate on the planet. It has never erred. They actually have 22 calendars in total, covering the many timing cycles in the Universe and Solar System. Some of these calendars are yet to be revealed. 3. The Mayan fifth world finished in 1987. The sixth world starts in 2012. So we are currently "between worlds". This time is called the "Apocalypse" or revealing. This means the real truth will be revealed. It is also the time for us to work through "our stuff" individually and collectively. 4. The Mayan sixth world is actually blank. This means it is up to us, as co-creators, to start creating the new world and civilization we want now. 5. The Mayans also say that by 2012: [a] - we will have gone beyond technology as we know it. [b] - we will have gone beyond time and money. [c] - we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension [d] - Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic