Emerging Organizational Forms: Work and Organization in the 21st Century
We live in a dynamic world and the dynamism continues to grow. As the dynamism progresses, newer paradigms of strategy, organization and work are explored to maintain a balance and cope with the pace. The transformation of business activity, through technological development, the shorter life-cycle of business ideas and products, and the need for new skills requires new strategies and new forms of work organization. Hence, conventional ways of organizational structure and working have been challenged.
The blurring of boundaries leads to new developments in the external environment influencing the organization. The dynamism of the external environment not only affects the company at an organizational level but percolates deep to the employee level. There is constant change which leads to companies realigning their strategies for improved efficiency and efficacy. Strategies like mergers, acquisitions, downsizing and outsourcing are implemented as a result of the organization’s rethinking of its processes and products.
The talent pool of an organization has surfaced in a big way as a parameter influencing the growth and learning in an organization. The requirement of skilled manpower with diverse experiences contributes towards the flexibility and adaptability of an organization. Moving towards a knowledge economy ideas and innovation come to the core of planning and organizing work to delivering services. Technology enables one to collaborate and compete in real time facilitating the process of re-engineering and innovation.
The changes in demographic and technological forces imply shift in the way organizations work. As technology speeds up products and processes the needs of the employees change frequently. In the globalised world the demographics of nations is diversifying leading to a workforce mix of age, ethnicity and cultures.
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Bibliography: http://www.knoll.com/research/downloads/WP_FiveTrends.pdf http://blog.steffanantonas.com/trends-that-are-influencing-the-future-of-work.htmhttp://ccs.mit.edu/21c/about.html http://www.scribd.com/doc/54607361/The-Future-of-Work http://ccs.mit.edu/21c/21CWP001.html http://thedx.druckerinstitute.com/2011/01/the-future-of-organized-labor/ http://www.rand.org/pubs/research_briefs/RB5070/index1.html http://www.mozenter.org/trendsarticle.pdf http://web.efzg.hr/RePEc/pdf/Clanak%2011-03.pdf