
Generational Diversity Research Paper

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“Diversity is multilayered, and dimensions of diversity begin with individual core values, which are linked and wrapped into social identities, type of experiences and influences one has, and finally into the organization one is working with and the way it influences how one conducts himself or herself in that organization.” Dr.Stella Josisa Bendera, President’s Office Diversity Management Unit, Tanzania

Bridging the Organization’s Gap on Generational Diversity “Our workplace is an ever-changing, ever-evolving environment.” (7) Managers and leaders are in a constant challenge to keep up to speed with our diverse workforce which is not limited to race, age, gender, ethnicity, etc. However, our main
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Respect is conferred based on behavior.” (17) “Meaninful figures and faces for this generation Xers included: Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, Clarence Thomas, Ted Bundy, OJ Simpson, Beavis and Butthead.” (24) Like other generations they have been shaped by the particular forces in history they faced while growing up.” (18) This generation experienced havoc “by the time they came of age, they were looking at a different picture: the Iran hostage crisis, the energy crisis, Three Mile Island, the education decline in the educational system, rampant inflation, and the first wave of corporate downsizing in America.” (19) The impression this generation received was that adults were not in control and corporate America was not to be …show more content…

As described above, each generation find s a comfort zone at different levels. It is up to the organization to establish what those levels are and apply them to their current framework to meet the diverse needs. Change is not easy and it involves, time, dedication, knowledge and commitment. However, in this day of age where baby boomers are about to retire, there are limited numbers of generation xers, and the next workforce is the millennial generation it is no longer an option not be proactive and engage in change. Aside from being a necessity, changing an outdated framework to attract and retain the best gives corporations leverage and sustains a healthy diverse work environment. In the following case study you will see that “building a workplace that recognizes generation diversity” works. (40) For over 18 years the City of Claremont, CA has made strategic efforts to understand its workforce and have gone out of their way to recruit top talent regardless of their age. At an early stage they identified that qualified employees would be scarce, as baby boomers are closer to retirement and there is “statistically reality that there are not enough people to replace them.” (41) This led them to create a climate that would assist in retaining their current staff, while giving opportunity to younger workers to fully prepare for higher

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