The functionalism also called as functionalist however it is the main theoretical perspectives in sociology. Herbert Spencer, Emile Durkheim, Talcott Parsons, and Robert Merton they are the four people that the Functionalist perspectives is based within their work. Furthermore, Functionalism is another word for functionalist perspective this is one of the main theoretical perspective in sociology. Children which are raised in the Functionalist perspective includes teaching the children on what their roles are and to embrace their role within the group it …show more content…
There were two key functions witch the nuclear family’s had performed that demoralized women. The family made the girls accept passive roles while making the boys believe they were greater. For example children see what is going on within the family and then recreating the parental relationship. Secondly being the women in the family you are named as being the “housewife”. In addition, Feminist parents are seen to be very overlay compared to the general parenting philosophy, they see gender diversity, sexualisation and body image as a huge issue when raising children. The feminist has been doing some work which is focused on challenging women’s position towards the relationship with children. Feminists opinion on childhood, feminism say that girls and boys have very different childhood this is because boys have more freedom then girls they are encourage to be dirty and play sports where as girls stay at home most of their times, and does cleaning at home and focus more on their …show more content…
Marxism also believes that the family is the main provider. It is similar to functionalist. He has said that “family is a strong influence on education”. There has been a modern Marxist prospective on family which was from a man called Engles he has wrote a book that was called the origin of family, private property and the state. He had written the book in 1884 and has traced back humanity. Engles argued that family served the requirement of the catholic society an also family will prevent women from achieving. Overall both Marxist and Engles point has linked with feminism they both acknowledge that women are demoralized in the