Overview of Praxis Praxis is defined in numerous ways for different disciplines, for the nursing profession it is defined as the combination of practice and theory (Kilpatrick, 2008). Many healthcare practitioners see knowledge acquired through clinical practice (praxis) as subjective and not real knowledge because theory is always linked with scholarly achievement, as such it is difficult in present day nursing practice to recognize the importance of praxis (Penney & Warelow, 1999) According to Chinn and Kramer (2011) praxis may arise out of a single person or a group. Praxis arising at an individual level is based a person identifying and pondering on an issue that controls one’s capabilities and understandings, then taking the responsibility in changing the issue for themselves and others affected (Chinn & Kramer, 2011). A significant intent of praxis is the incorporating of theory and practice that helps in the acknowledgment and valuing different types of knowledge (Kilpatrick, 2008). Chinn and Kramer
References: American Nurses Association (ANA), (2001), Code of ethics for nurses, American Nurses Association, Washington, D.C. Retrieved from http://www.nursingworld.org /Main MenuCategories/EthicsStandards/CodeofEthicsfornurses /code-of-ethics.pdf Bandura, A Chinn, P. L., & Kramer, M. K. (2011). Integrated theory and knowledge development. (8th ed.). DeMarco, J., Nystrom, M., & Salvatore, K. (2011). The importance of patient education throughout the continuum of health care Hamric, A. B., Hanson, C. M., Tracy, M. F., & O’Grady, E. T. (2014). Advanced practice nursing: An integrative approach Kilpatrick, K (2008), Praxis and the role development of acute care nurse practitioner. Nursing Inquiry; 15(2), 116-126. King, I. (1997). King 's theory of goal attainment in practice. Nursing Science Quarterly 10(4), 180-185. Pavlish, C., Brown-Saltzman, K., Hersh, M., Shirk, M., & Rounkle, A. (2011). Nursing priorities, actions, and regrets for ethical situations in clinical practice Penney, W & Warelow J. (1999) Understanding the prattle of praxis. Nursing Inquiry 6, 259- 268 Sanford, R