Fascism can be defined as a political system with centralization of power under a single-party dictatorship. Fascist dictators maintain authority through strict socioeconomic controls, suppression of the masses through censorship and terrorism, and policies of aggressive nationalism and racism (“Fascism”). Francisco Franco first implemented this government policy in Spain after witnessing its achievements in Germany and Italy. Franco’s strong nationalistic and military upbringing was the basis for his fascist dictatorship. What made Franco the “ultimate fascist dictator” was the fact that he was more palatable to the western countries. His focus was not on world domination, but rather on the consolidation of his own country. Based on his own ideas of what true Spanish values should be, he took steps to oppress the Spanish people and to unify them as a national socialistic mentality under a fascist regime.
The Spanish Civil War and Aftermath
During the Spanish Civil war, Francisco Franco served as General of the Nationalists. This party was comprised of parts of the army and former supporters of the Second Spanish Republic. The Republicans, which was the opposing party, consisted of all the members of the former republic (“The Spanish Case”). While fighting against the Republicans, General Franco was made leader of the Falange party. The Falange, established by Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, preached the ideals of Italian Fascism. The Falange disdained all forms of socialism and democracy. The party was later declared the only legal political party in Spain in 1939 (Payne, 1999).
After the Civil War, Franco’s number one priority was to inflict unity and order in his country. Thousands of former Republicans were immediately shot or jailed while countless others fell victim to other forms of political and economic punishments (“"Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly”). Wise and crafty, Franco took advantage of divisions in his
Bibliography: Brett, Boyanowski. Fascism. Fascism. 17 June. 2012 "Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly." Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly (PACE Website). 4 Nov. 2005. 14 Jun. 2012 . Cowans, J. (2003). Modern Spain: a documentary history. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press. Jensen, G. (2005). Franco: soldier, commander, dictator. Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books. Payne, S. G. (1999). Fascism in Spain, 1923- 1977. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press. Rioja Carrocal, Marta. “English-Spanish Translations and Censorsorship in Spain 1962-1969.” Online Translation Journal. 19 June 2012. . “Spain – THE FRANCO YEARS” Country Studies. 19 June 2012. . The Spanish Case, Was it Fascism?. University of Michigan. 18 June. 2012 .