While both parents were involved in Luke’s life, his father, Michael showed a special tenderness towards Luke. Their family values were strong and it is stated that “there is comfort in the strength of love, twill make a thing endurable”. This is such a powerful quote and it shows that the strength and love of this family could make trials endurable. Michael shows great devotion to Luke even when he was a babe. Wordsworth states, “often times old Michael…had done him female service”. This shows the level of devotion that Michael felt for his son in that he shifts social standards and does the “female service” for Luke despite what is expected. Although Luke’s absence in the conclusion of the poem is not what is expected, this excerpt still shows an excellent example of family relationships and the values that comes with these …show more content…
Once side shows the lack of family relationship and the other shows the extreme presence of family relationship. There are vast differences between these two “families”. One story ends in disappoint (Michael) while the other ends in death and anger from all sided (Frankenstein). This shows that the presence of a family does not solve all problems but still sets up a different behavior pattern for the loved versus the unloved. Shelley and Wordsworth had a good grasp of the different environments and they also seemed to conclude that family relationships still remain one of the most important aspects of