Family History: Freddie lives with his mother, stepfather, uncle, older step-sister, and three younger siblings, a 10-year-old brother and …show more content…
Smithon shared that Freddie’s behavioural/emotional reactive tendencies were much greater 6-9 months ago. That being said, Freddie has a history of overreacting emotionally and behaviourally to difficult situations. When he was a toddler he would bang his head when he was upset. His mother shared that he frequently had emotional/behavioural outbursts which escalated when he transferred to a new school during grade 5. It was during this time his anger intensified and he was referred to a psychologist for counselling sessions. Freddie attended several sessions between 2012 and 2014 and were discontinued due to his own accord. His mother shared for the most part, Freddie was aggressive to his siblings and according to his teachers he was disruptive during class. His mother reported that Freddie and his siblings would argue and tease each other. At these times, Freddie would over-react, sometimes through physical aggression (i.e. punching, kicking or hitting) and other times through verbal threats. Ms. Smithon discussed a situation that happened during the summer between Freddie and his step-sister. She shared that they got into an argument which escalated into an “explosive fight” and ended with Freddie throwing a water gun at his step-sister. At the time, Freddie was also verbally aggressive to his siblings, he would swear and make threats. In addition, he had threatened his step-sister with a household item (i.e. a butter knife). For these reasons it was decided that Freddie would move and live with his father. His mother shared that between the counselling sessions, entering Junior High, playing sports, and living with his biological father his behaviour and emotional reactions have declined. In the past Freddie responded to his siblings teasing by being physically and verbally aggressive. His mother commented that now he is able to regulate his behaviour, and recently when his younger sister