Butler Capital Partners (Butler) is an investment fund founded in 1990. Butler closed its first private equity fund, European Strategic Fund, in 1991. This first fund was mainly focusing on small family owned enterprises and on divisions of larger companies. Mainly of his first success he closed in 1998 his second fund, Private Equity II, and Butler became one of the largest independent funds in France. With his second fund he would focus on investments in France on a larger scale. On April 29, 1999, a new investment opportunity arose for Butler: Autodistribution (AD). AD is an entrepreneurial firm and has become the largest independent automotive parts wholesaler in France by the end of the 1990s.
This report starts with an analysis of the opportunities and risks for the AD deal and determines whether Butler should make a proposal or not. Hereafter, a valuation of AD is given. In the next paragraph the chances for European expansion are evaluated. Then the structure of the compensation package to Chavanne is determined and at the end a short conclusion of this case is given.
1. Should Walter Butler Submit a Proposal for AD? What is the nature of the opportunity?
Autodistribution in the auto market
First we focus on the future outlook for AD in the auto market. In 1962 AD started as an automotive parts purchasing association controlled by independently owned affiliates. By the 1980s, AD began to acquire wholesales and the purchasing power of AD grew. In 1976 the network of AD expanded abroad, through an international subsidiary of AD (AD International). At the end of 1998 AD was the largest independent wholesaler of automotive parts in France and even in Europe. The outlook in the auto market is favorable with a growth of 2 to 3% in the foreseeable future due to the growing number of cars in circulation, an aging car fleet, increased technical complexity of car parts, new legislation requiring more frequent vehicle inspections and