On July 5th, one day after the Fourth of July, Terrance and Michael were on their way to work. It was about 9 o’clock in the morning. It was Terrance week to drive to work. So, they had the music just blasting on their way to work, just cruising. All of sudden, Terrance sees flashing lights behinds him, and he’s thinking to himself “why?”. So Terrance pulls over on the side of the road; mind you they haven’t even left Michael neighborhood yet. The police pulls up behind them and gets out the car. He walks up to the car and Terrance rolls down the window. …show more content…
“License and registration please” said the Officer.
Terrance reaches in his glove compartment and gets out his registration and then he reaches under the seat for his wallet so he can get his license. The officer starts to freak out and yells
“Sir, what are you reaching for?!”
Terrance says in an attitude “my wallet”
The officer tell the boys to get out the car and Terrance asked him “why?”
The police screams “Get out the car now!”
Terrance shakes his head no, and tells the officer he’s not getting out.
Meanwhile, Micheal is trying to keep cool because he has illegal substances on him. Things begin to escalate quickly!
The police calls for backup, and when backup get their things got even worse. The police are trying to break Terrance windows so them out the car and Terrance is yelling at them saying “it’s not your right. You don’t even have a reason why you pulled me over!”
Suddenly Michael opens his car door, the police starts to attack him. They’re beating up on him, and pushing his head on the concrete trying to handcuff them. Terrance opens his door and he begins to step out the car, and walk to Michael side of the car. Terrance starts yelling at the police telling them to get off of him. The office screamed over and over for Terrance to back away. The officer then grabbed his taser, and all you heard “boom” a sound of a shotgun. The police shot Terrance right in the chest and he died, right there on the spot. The officers proceed handcuff Michael and arrest him.
Later on that year, Terrance family pressed charges on the officer but the officer was found guilty. The family plans on taking it to supreme court. As for Michael, he misses his
friend dearly. He’s out protesting to stop police brutality.