Romeo and Juliet is a tragic love story between two 'star-crossed lovers," written in 1596 by William Shakespeare. It is set in the town of Verona, Italy, where two households - the Montagues and Capulets- are involved in an ancient feud. One character who was in the middle of it all was Friar Lawrence, whose actions are put to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet. Shortly after Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other, their next intention was to marry. friar Lawrence agreed to marry them hoping it would stop the family feud and bring peace. That, however, was not the case after the death of Tybalt on Romeo's behalf which caused Romeo to be banished from Verona, and Juliet to be distraught. Especially since she was now being forced to marry count Paris, with agreement from Friar Lawrence even with his knowledge of Romeo and Juliet's marriage. Showing his carelessness for other people and his selfish ways to make sure only he is happy. Which are two flaws that he shoes through out the play, and why he is the the only character to blame for the deaths of Romeo and Juliet.
Naive is having or showing lack of judgement, or information. Which describes The Friar and his decisions he makes throughout the play. Friar Lawrence's decision to marry Romeo and Juliet was an ambitious one due to his choice of not asking both parent's, or talking to them before hand. This decision, however, made a huge impact on the rest of the play. The Friar's thoughts were that marriage would stop the family feuds, as he had said to Romeo that the 'alliance may so happy prove, to turn your households rancour to pure love." Although he had good intentions, this thought soon turned deceitful, due to the parents not having knowledge of the marriage. This dishonestly towards them was due to his naive behaviour and just another reason for why he is to blame for the deaths or Romeo and