Rashell Myers
NUR 405
February 14, 2011
Deborah Schultz R.N., M.N.
Friedman Family Assessment
The Friedman Family Assessment Model draws heavy on the structure-function framework and on developmental as system theory. The model takes a broad approach to family assessment, which views families as a subsystem of society. The family is viewed as an open social system ((Stanhope & Lancaster, 2008).
In this paper the subject to identify is a family assessment using the Friedman Family Assessment Model, including three nursing diagnosis.
Friedman Family Assessment Model
Identifying Data The Lazar family resides in Whittier California. This is a two parent family in which 42-year-old Steve (S) is the husband and biological father who works as a truck driver for a distribution company and his wife Maria (M) also the biological mother is a stay-at-home mother. S is Romanian and M is from Mexico both residing in California for 26 years. S and M have two daughters Jennifer (J) 16 and six months pregnant, and Liz (L) 19. The Lazar family is middle-class and follows Catholic practices. M does not speak English; S speaks English, Spanish, and Romanian fluently. Dietary habits are traditional as well as home décor. S and M have High school diplomas although do not have a college education. J is currently in adult school and L attends Rio Hondo College.
Developmental Stage and History of Family S and M have living parents; S is close with his family and frequently interacts with them. M was raised by her grandmother so she does not have a close relationship with her mother however, M grandmother has since deceased. M does not have siblings and S is close with is siblings still. Developmental task of the family are somewhat accomplished according to age, although M feels in competition with society and the pressure that it brings. J has not developed a balance between freedom and responsibility as evidence by her pregnancy. L is on
References: Carpenito-Moyet, L. J. (2010). Handbook of Nursing Diagnosis (13th ed.). Chester, PA: Wolters Kluwer Health Stanhope, M., & Lancaster, J. (2008). Public Health Nursing (7th ed.). St. Louis, MO: Mosby Elsevier.