The philosopher, Rudolph Steiner (1861 -1925) founded the Waldorf School after the First World War (1918). The seed of his approach started at this school where he emphasised the importance of developing the child’s imagination and the creative ability. The Steiner approach is child-centred cross curricular and strongly believes in the important use of role models, routines and practical application. The daily routines in the kindergarten are a key aspect to the child’s learning, through adult-lead and child-initiated play. The natural materials and their environment are used to encourage and develop curiosity and imagination. The emphasis on reading and writing does not start until children are seven years old and they work with the child’s personalities.…
Over the years many people have made studies of what they believe were the important factors in providing for children’s needs. All of these pioneers believed that there should be an integrated approach to the early years provision. One of these pioneers that had the greatest influence was Freidrich Froebel. Froebel founded the first kindergarten in 1840 and learned how important it was for children to have real experiences and to be physically active, learning outdoors as well as indoors. He believed that schools should be communities where parents could join their children, and that parents were the first educators of children.…
Froebel was convinced that the kindergarten's primary focus should be on play–the process by which he believed children expressed their innermost thoughts, needs, and desires. Froebel's emphasis on play contrasted with the traditional view prevalent during the nineteenth century that play, a form of idleness and disorder, was an unworthy element of human life.…
Teacher presence is an important facet of all areas of curriculum. Quality interactions between teacher and child form the foundation for a successful and effective early childhood program. This essay will discuss the use of scaffolding as one of the strategies of intentional teaching, and its importance in facilitating children’s play. It will explore various theories relating to scaffolding and show clear links between these theorists and how they view the teacher as an integral part of learning. It will go on to explore the term ‘Intentional Teaching’ and discuss its benefits in the early childhood context. Furthermore, it will show that a positive teacher presence improves learning outcomes for children.…
There are many different theories of development that help us to understand children’s behaviour, reactions and ways of learning. All equally important as they influence practice. To begin with there is Piaget’s constructivist theories which look at the way in which children seem to be able to make sense of their world as a result of their experiences and how they are active learners. He also suggested that as children develop so does their thinking. Piaget’s work has influenced early years settings into providing more hands on and relevant tasks for children and young people. In other words the children are ‘learning through play’. Teachers are working out the needs of children and plan activities accordingly.…
E4 - There are many theorists who have contributed to the body of knowledge relating to how children play and learn. The one I am choosing to write about is Friedrich Froebel. He met Anton Gruner, which inspired him to start teaching. He put his theories into practice in 1818 then founded his first children’s garden in 1837. Where he said that there should be lots of sensory and first hand activates in nature, music and arts. This is used in my setting as they have a vegetable patch and each week a small group of children go out and do gardening. This encourages children to touch different texture. My setting turns this into an activity where they have to use expressions about what they are doing. He was the first theorist to write about the importance of play. He was a very strong believer in play to improve a child education. He also believed that play raised enjoyment and emotional wellbeing. So each child should…
There were many views and beliefs of how children should learn in school, particularly in the early years. Gutek (2013) explains that Jean-Jacques Rousseau believed that children should not be pressured to learn before they were ready (p. 247). Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi believed children learned best through sensory learning through object lessons (Gutek, 2013, p. 250). In 1837, Friedrich Froebel established several schools that incorporated kindergarten. “He began to emphasize the importance of play in children’s early development, adapted object lessons to children’s readiness, devised games and physical exercises, and wrote songs and rhymes” (Gutek, 2013, p. 253). As an educational leader, it is important to understand how kindergarten and early childhood development has evolved over the years. Leaders need to understand that the way teachers instruct kindergarten students is more than because it is developmentally appropriate. There is a history of the foundation of kindergarten and how it has come to be what it is…
While being in this course I have learned about the different curriculums, philosophies and theories. In this paper I will be discussing how to develop an appropriate curriculum for preschool children. This paper will include the following topics: the theories and/or philosophies of Montessori; concepts learned throughout this course, how to apply them into an early childhood classroom focusing on the understanding components to design a curriculum for a preschool classroom based on ages 3 to 5 year old children. First let’s discuss the philosophies of both Maria Montessori and Jean Piaget.…
As a child, I would image what my life would be like when I became a teacher. In this paper I will explore different developmentally appropriate approaching philosophies, theories, and concepts when teaching math, reading, science and the fine arts to young children across a developmental curriculum. Having to gain knowledge from the early childhood text helped me to create what I consider to be the perfect classroom plan. Preschool education is very important because this is their first experience towards twelve years of grade school. The knowledge they gather will increase as they grow and development. Preschool children are depending on their teachers’ to provide them with as much useful information as possible for them to succeed to the next level.…
Eileen Kennedy-Moore once wrote, “The path of development is a journey of discovery that is clear only in retrospect, and it’s rarely a straight line.” Although the development to which she is reffering may not be specific, the complexity and sometimes unpredicable nature of children may definitely be summarized by this short quote. As humans, we begin as tiny beings with barely any ability, but, as we grow, we develop into creatures of play and imagination, of right and wrong decisions, and of motivation for the tasks we face in our day-to-day lives. As an Early Childhood Education student, I often have the opportunity to volunteer and to observe a variety of organzations, classrooms, and programs. For this particular class, I was able to analyze a classroom-like environment at the YMCA for children of all ages, and I compared these observations with the appropraite topics of this course.…
An effective early childhood educator knows and understands the principles, practices, outcomes and implementation of the Early Years Learning Framework (EYLF)'Being Belonging and Becoming', and strives to establish effective teachings to children between birth to eight years old, the most important time in brain development for young children. This paper centers around the EYLF and current research that argues, teachers need to create suitable environments to implement the curriculum in accordance to their student population and incorporating productive planning. This planning focuses on children learning through play and encourages building strong relationships and self esteem were families and cultures are respected and involved through…
* Philosophy – Many teachers want to know how children learn and how to respond to their needs, so they must have guidelines on how to deal with those needs. Each individual learns in many ways and in the four corners of the classroom we encounter different learners. A classroom is like a zoo wherein different animals with different characteristics and needs are present, as what others say. Every teacher used this philosophies and theories to help them explain why each individual behave in that certain way, understand how each individual learns socio-emotionally, cognitively, and physically; help them decide on what to expect in each stage of development and how to deal with them effectively.…
Pearson, M., (2010). The Ottawa Citizen. Ottawa, Ont.: Sep.7, 2010. (p.A.1). Big Day for Our Littlest Students;…
References: Dockett, S., & Fleer, M. (2003).Play and pedagogy in early childhood: Bending the rules.…
Early childhood education is not a new concept. It has been in existence since ancient Greek and Roman times and many of our own methods come from those foundations (Gordon & Brown. 4-5). Throughout the course of history, philosophers, researchers, and theorists have spent many years researching, observing, and teaching young children. They have passed down to us many of the practices and theories that are being used even today in many early childhood classrooms and daycare centers. In the late 1800’s there arose a theorist by the name of Maria Montessori whose play learning theories and methods are still being used today in early childhood classrooms in many countries around the world.…