1.1 Explain the legal status and principles of the relevant early years framework/s and how national and local guidance materials are used in settings.
All practitioners should understand and know the framework for Early Years provision used within the relevant united kingdom home nation.
In England, pre-school and nursery education is provided for within a wide range of settings including all pre-school groups, play groups , nursery centers, day nurseries, nursery schools and reception classes ( children aged 4-5 years) in primary schools.
The statutory framework for EYFS is set by the government and all Early Years have to follow this to ensure standardization.
There are 6 areas of learning and development:
Physical/social and emotional development
Physical development
Creative development
Communication language and literacy
Knowledge and understanding of the world
Section 2: set out the legal requirements relating to learning and development:
The early learning goals
The educational programs
The assessment arrangements
Section3: sets out the legal requirements to welfare
Safeguarding and promoting children's welfare
Suitable people
Suitable premises environment and equipment
Referrance: Doreen Tombs 2011
1.2 Explain how different approaches to work with children in the early years have influenced current provision in the UK
Fredrich Frobel ( 1782-1852)
Froebel was convinced that the kindergarten's primary focus should be on play–the process by which he believed children expressed their innermost thoughts, needs, and desires. Froebel's emphasis on play contrasted with the traditional view prevalent during the nineteenth century that play, a form of idleness and disorder, was an unworthy element of human life.