The format for 2004 FSF Physics Examination paper has been similar to 2003 .
The examination paper on the whole had tested knowledge and concepts expected to be learned by seventh form physics students in Fiji, particularly :
- familiarity with basic concepts ;
- problem solving techniques ;
- knowledge of practical situations encountered during practical lessons ; and
- coverage of the FSF prescription
A total of 1280 candidates had registered to this examination. There is a decrease by 6.64% in the number of candidates registered for the examination, compared to the year 2003.
No grace marks were given as the examination was a valid one and proof read several times. However, there was an inadequacy in question 7, part (iv) of section C. The value of R was not stated. This inadequacy should not have affected the thinking of the candidates as the answer should have been expressed in terms of R.
During the duration of the marking of the scripts, it has been revealed that candidates did not follow instructions given on the paper. All the instructions were very clearly stated on page 1 of the Question paper and Answer Book. Individual sections and questions and questions had instructions which candidates had to follow.
The setting out of the answers was generally good. Candidates should be well advised to list their information clearly, write down the correct formula and show their substitution to an incorrect calculation (answer), partial marks are awarded for correct substitution and consistent working.
Many candidates have poor understanding of the units especially in momentum, torque and magnetism.
Mathematical errors, especially those dealing with algebraic fractions and powers of 10 were quite common. e.g. ɑ + ɑ/2
eg. 1029
Finally, I wish to call upon the teachers to encourage and