Exam 2
Name: ___________________________________
Signature: ________________________________
WID #: ____________________________________
Answer the questions in the spaces provided. You may use your text and any other outside sources to support your answers (cite references if outside sources are used). Your exams are graded on clarity, accuracy of response, organization, and sophistication. Use illustrations where necessary.
Discuss the barriers to developing and maintaining intimacy. (20 pts)
Our family environment is a barrier to developing intimacy. Through our families we learn how to communicate verbally and emotionally in different ways. We also learn about emotional expression and just how much and what kind to use. Also, through families they might be too emotionally close and not emotionally close at all. There needs to be a middle ground for this.
Past families and past experiences also create a barrier to developing intimacy. Our close family not only affects our intimacy but so does multigenerational influences. Intergenerational Family Theory shows that this is true. Our relational functioning is passed down from generation to generation and each experience affects us and how we develop intimacy towards others.
c. Fear of intimacy helps establish and maintain intimacy by preventing us from getting hurt. Some people form many friendships while others form one close intimate relationship. This fear of intimacy can come in many different forms such as failure, vulnerable, rejection, sex, responsibility, abandonment, and much more. These all are caused by fear. Glendon Association notes that we bring our fear from family experiences into intimate relationships and from there we stop disclosing and trusting so we don’t get hurt but in turn we end up pushing the other person away.
d. Lastly, we have communication which helps us establish and