November 4, 2013
Functional Area Interrelationships: LaFleur Trading Company
In the business world today identifying how a company coexists can define the longevity and long-term success. Team A’s company choice is Lafluer Trading Company. We will review and comment on their interrelationships. Lafleur Trading is a company that provides high quality food and wine to and from multiple countries. Team A will define their purpose, organizational structure, and how their key stakeholders will provide the company with success.
Mission, Vision, Values, and Goals
LaFleur Trading exists to provide high fine quality foods with reasonable pricing. Their visions are very clear. They identify responsibilities to their fellow citizens, customers, employees, the community, and the world. Their values to accomplish this are to act fairly and justly. They identify in their mission statement that, “profits are not as important as customer satisfaction and enjoyment of their products,” (Lafluer Trading Company, 2013). LaFleur Trading prides their company values on the employees’ interaction with their customers. Along with the superior customer interaction they have implemented state of the art technology to accomplish their goals. Lafleur Trading’s direct buyers obtain only reputable partnerships around the world which will allow their …show more content…
Team A has identified that thru Lafluer Trading’s current functional organizational structure and their lateral and vertical communications will only enhance as their strategic planning becomes more active with the executive key stakeholders. Lafluer’s technology and training of employees should be enhanced by state of the art equipment and swift process implementations. Lafluer’s is here to stay and will continue their success via prompt actions plans to deliver the highest quality foods and