Nicole Smith
ECE 201 Intro to Early Childhood I
Instructor Dana Bux
April 28, 2012
Challenging behavior comes in various of reasons. Once you have gathered information to understand the behaviors of young children you can diagnose the child with the appropriate behavior and find a solution to fix the problem. I have been receiving some information on different ways on how to diagnose and find solutions through different materials which I will share. They are two linked strategies developed by behavioral psychologist to understand a child’s challenging behavior; this two strategies are (FBA) Functional Behavior Assessment and (PBS) Positive Behavioral Support. These two strategies are developed to find what is triggering the behavior, where the child is receiving the behavior from, and find a solution to replace the negative behavior with a more positive behavior. Some ways the teacher collects data to figure out the problems would be first, convert a supportive team. By doing this you can have them contribute to find out what the behavior is more clearly and find out perspective of why they believe the child behaves this way, and what could each person do to make it a little better. Next identify the behavioral problem. Once you have found the problem it will be easier to maintain and find a solution to fix the problem. After you have found the behavioral problem, you have to find the functions of the problem also. This can be found by asking question about the environment that the child grew up in and currently living in. Once you have found all the problems needed to be found, you then would have to create a behavior support plan. The A-B-C- analysis is a good tool to use; it helps to separate the main areas needed to solve the problem so you can observe the details a little better. “A stands for antecedents, events that take place right before the challenging behavior and seem to trigger it. The
References: Claffey, Anne E.; Kucharski, Laura J.; & Gratz, Rene R. (1994). Managing the biting child. Early Child Development and Care, 99, 93-101. (ERIC Journal No. EJ486889) Kaiser, B. & Sklar Rasminsky, J. (2012). Challenging behavior in young children. (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River: Pearson Education, Inc.