Dr. Yosh Jefferson and his associates are general dentists, who among many other dental services, offer Functional Orthodontic treatment for their patients. However, there is an enormous difference between Orthodontic treatment versus Functional Orthodontic treatment. Orthodontic treatment is treatment of just straightening the teeth whereas Functional Orthodontic treatment is reshaping and repositioning the upper jaw and lower jaw to a more harmonious position as well as straightening the teeth. Obviously, Functional orthodontic treatment is more complicated and more involved; however, if done correctly, it can enhance facial profile and facial appearance.
Functional Orthodontic treatment can, not only enhance and harmonize facial appearance, but it can often help to alleviate multitude of medical problems. Vast bodies of literature research as well as Dr. Jefferson’s many years of clinical observations have shown that multitude of medical problems may be related to poor facial profiles, poor jaw alignments, and narrow mouths. By correctly harmonizing the facial-skeletal structures through Functional Orthodontic treatment, medical problems such as temporomandibular disorders, migraine headaches, neck-shoulder-back pains, dizziness, ringing in the ears, hearing problems, upper airway obstructions/mouth breathing, sleep disorders/sleep apnea, and other problems may be alleviated.
There are many examples of problems associated with facial-skeletal disharmony and medical problems. For example, individuals with narrow mouths and high palatal vaults often have narrow and compressed sinuses. By expanding the mouth with expansion appliances, the sinuses widen and allow more efficient airflow. Other examples can be found with individuals who tend to have recessed, small weak chins. Oftentimes, the chins are recessed because of bad bite causing the lower jaw to bite too far back. This can cause the jaw joints to impinge against the