Kristen Pinkney
August 28, 2013
Dr. Andrea Diese
Functional [Possible incorrect indentation] Roles of a Manager
The fundamental managerial roles are crucial in the feat of a manager. The roles of a manager are vital in setting the functionality of a business. Possessing a proactive approach to running a business will set a manager well ahead. The functionality of a manager depends highly on four aspects: planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Whether they are managing a small convenient store or a Fortune 500 company, they will in some way perform each of the functions at some point in the business. Employ these functions together are important; one function will not work well without the others.
Roles of a Manager
“It all begins here. So many problems could be avoided with clear expectations agreed upon upfront…” (Tiffan, 2011, p. 94). Tiffan and Bobbins first steps of managing a functional business go well together because planning includes setting a level of expectations for their employees. Without proper planning, employees would not have any level of expectations set for them to adhere too or to work toward. Planning is the first aspect of the functional roles of a manager according to Bobbins and Coulter, 2012. Planning is important because it establishes strategies for achieving the goals of the organization and developing plans to integrate and coordinate activities (Bobbins & Coulter, 2012, p. 9). Planning is important to businesses existing because without proper planning there would not be any structure to the organization. Setting clear expectations is a three-step process according to Tiffan. Setting clear expectations involves both parties, meaning the manager and the employee. Managers must decide what they want the employee to do. Defining the boundaries of the job or assignment and what the expected outcome is. Managers must
References: Armstrong, M. (2008). Chapter 04: Organizing. London: Kogan Page Ltd. Retrieved from Bobbins, S., & Coulter, M. (2012). Management (11th ed.). Upper Saddle, NJ: Prentice Hall. Tiffan, B. (2011). Four Important roles of a Manager. Physican Executive, 37(4), 94-6. Retrieved from Wanish, H. R. (2013). Leadership as a Management Function. Retrieved from